FX option expiries for 21 April 10am New York cut

Just a couple to take note of for the day, that being large ones for EUR/USD at 1.0900-05 and USD/CAD at 1.2500.I highlighted the significance of the former earlier here, after the euro got a bit of a boost to push above 1.0900 following more hawkish remarks by ECB vice president Luis de Guindos. That could keep euro price action more anchored alongside Fib levels @ 1.0921 and 1.0971 respectively as also pointed out in the linked post above.Meanwhile, the largish one for USD/CAD may help to keep a lid on any upside push alongside some light offers as the pair tests waters below the 1.2500 mark. Besides that, there isn’t anything else too significant.For more information on how to use this data, you may refer to this post here.

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