Germany July preliminary CPI +7.5% vs +7.4% y/y expected

  • Prior +7.6%
  • CPI +0.9% vs +0.6% m/m expected
  • Prior +0.1%
  • HICP +8.5% vs +8.1% y/y expected
  • Prior +8.2%
  • HICP +0.8% vs +0.4% m/m expected
  • Prior -0.1%

The state readings earlier were mixed but evidently, the rise in consumer inflation in Germany’s industrial state outweighed the drop in annual inflation elsewhere. That’s not a comfortable set of figures with the EU-harmonised reading just short of the May high of 8.7% y/y. The increase in the monthly figures is also disconcerting as there will likely be a further spike come September once government subsidies expiries on 31 August.

This article was written by Justin Low at

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