Gold bulls dealt a minor setback in trading yesterday


As the dollar bounced back a little, gold fell by 1% and more importantly back under the $2,500 mark. Price is still keeping above the previous triple top pattern around $2,480 but buyers will be hoping to clinch a more convincing push above the figure level to solidify the breakout status.

Instead, price action focus now turns towards the near-term chart as seen above.

The drop under $2,500 sees gold move back to test its 200-hour moving average (blue line) and buyers are holding for now. Keep above that and buyers will still be in it with a shout as we look to close out the week. But break below and sellers will start to resume near-term control for the first time since the start of August.

Fed chair Powell’s appearance is the key risk event to watch in the day ahead. That will matter for both dollar and bond market sentiment.

As such, gold will have to work with the reaction to that to wrap things up this week. For now, price action is sitting in a more neutral spot in the near-term. That considering we are seeing price trade back in between its 100 (red line) and 200-hour moving averages. And also with the $2,500 level in focus too.

This article was written by Justin Low at

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