Gold on the brink on latest dip below $1,900


Even though Treasury yields are not making new highs today, gold is once again slumping as the dollar remains steady overall. Of note, price is dipping below $1,900 and that is starting to stir up some nerves among buyers surely.

The previous dip earlier this month was held at the $1,900 mark but with it potentially giving way today, it raises fresh concerns about gold’s recent resilience. The August lows around $1,885 will be the next big line in the sand to watch out for as a break there leaves little in the way of a steeper decline in gold.

The breakout in Treasury yields since last week is definitely a key trigger but the good thing for gold at least is that yields are not really racing higher in the past two days. 10-year yields in the US are still hovering around 4.50% to 4.55% and that is keeping broader market sentiment on edge, with gold being no exception to that.

Month-end and quarter-end flows could still muddy things up this week but in the bigger picture, if yields continue to stay higher, this little technical blip lower could end up being a key catalyst for the next correction lower in gold prices. Watch this space.

This article was written by Justin Low at

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