Ishikawa earthquake to shelve BOJ plans for an early policy pivot?


The trading year for Japan officially began today after an extended new year’s holiday, and we are seeing the yen drop further. It seems like domestic banks are fueling the fire in saying that the supposed impossible task by the BOJ to perform an early policy pivot, has now just became even more impossible. In referring to the Ishikawa earthquake, this is what they have to say:

„Although there must be quite a few foreign investors who have been anticipating the end of negative rates in January, under these circumstances, the BOJ will almost certainly not move this month. Should negative rates not be lifted in January, ending it in the first half of 2024 will also become doubtful.“ — Mizuho Bank

„The January move seems even more impossible. The earthquake is likely to depress production activity while the government may have to set up a supplementary budget for recovery measures.“ — Daiwa Securities, also revising forecast for exit from negative rates to April from January previously

„Any lingering expectation for an end to negative rates in January is completely shattered.“ — SMBC Nikko Securities

Meanwhile, Morgan Stanley MUFG Securities also revised its call for a change to the BOJ rate decision this month and sees the central bank leaving policy unchanged instead. Adding that any exit from negative rates will only come on April at the earliest. Besides that, Nomura Holdings also chimes in by saying that the earthquake may delay the BOJ’s plans to exit from negative rates in January although it also depends on the extent of the economic damage from the incident.

This article was written by Justin Low at

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