It was a good day for European stocks but US ETFs indicate it’s all gone now

<p>European stocks had one of their best days in awhile today, closing with gains of:</p><ul><li>Stoxx 600 +2.0%</li><li>German DAX +3.3%</li><li>FTSE 100 +2.3%</li><li>French CAC +2.3%</li><li>Italy MIB +2.9%</li><li>Spain IBEX +1.6%</li></ul><p>You can pretty much kiss all those goodbye. The VGK ETF tracks the Stoxx 600 and it’s now down 0.5% on the day with a huge reversal coming after the Nord Stream 1 news.</p><p>Less liquid ETFs are generally sending the same message.</p><p>US markets will be closed on Monday for a holiday but Europe is open.</p>

This article was written by Adam Button at

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