It’s debate night in the US


As a reminder, the debate will take place later in the day at 9pm EDT (or 0100 GMT the next day). I shared some thoughts previously in this post here: Just a week to go until the next US presidential debate

As with these things, it often comes down to how things are said rather than what is said on the stage. One only has to look to the previous debate involving Biden and Trump to understand that. Biden pretty much defeated himself and it was a walk in the park for Trump. And that paved the way for Harris to step up to the plate now.

Will Harris be able to appear presidential enough while shooting down Trump’s tirade of personal attacks? Will she have the wits about her to launch her own offensive against Trump? Or will we see Trump bully his way to another debate „victory“? And what about each of their own economic promises and vision? How much of the debate will focus on that this time around?

Those will be things to keep an eye out for, even if they might not directly impact the market outlook – at least for now.

This article was written by Justin Low at

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