JP Morgan joins in on the earnings beat


The details for JP Morgan:

  • EPS $4.10 (vs $3.38 estimate)
  • Adj. revenue $39.34 billion (vs $36.83 billion estimate)
  • FICC sales and trading revenue $5.70 billion (vs $5.25 billion estimate)
  • Investment banking revenue $1.56 billion (vs $1.54 billion estimate)
  • Equities sales and trading revenue $2.68 billion (vs $2.75 billion estimate)

Looking across, PNC also reported a strong earnings beat with the credit details (allowance for credit losses of $5.4 billion was stable) also not really indicating signs of any major worries. That should be a relief for equities, at least with regards to bank stocks, ahead of the open.

However, overall sentiment remains tepid with S&P 500 futures still down 0.1% for now.

This article was written by Justin Low at

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