Key events and releases for next week’s trading

The US CPI and Retail sales will dominate the economic releases next week. The RBNZ will announce their interest rate decision on Wednesday in NZ.

Tuesday August 13

  • 9:30 PM ET: AUD Wage Price Index q/q (Estimate: 0.9%, Prior: 0.8%)
  • 2 AM ET: GBP Claimant Count Change (Estimate: 14.5K, Prior: 32.3K), GBP Average Earnings Index 3m/y (Estimate: 6.5%, Prior: 6.9%)
  • 8:30 AM ET USD Core PPI m/m (Estimate: 0.2%, Prior: 0.1%);USD PPI m/m (Estimate: 0.2%, Prior: 0.1%)

Wedneday August 14

  • 10 PM ET NZD NZD Official Cash Rate (Estimate: 5.50%, Prior: 5.50%) RBNZ Monetary Policy Statement, Rate Statement, and
  • 11 PM ET NZD Press Conference
  • 2 AM ET GBP CPI y/y (Estimate: 3.0%, Prior: 3.0%)
  • 8:30 AM meeting USD Core CPI m/m (Estimate: 0.2%, Prior: 0.1%);USD CPI m/m (Estimate: 0.2%, Prior: 0.1%)
  • 3:30 PM ET: NZD RBNZ Gov Orr Speaks (Estimate: N/A, Prior: N/A)

Thursday August 15

  • 9:30 PM ET AUD Unemployment Rate (Estimate: 4.1%, Prior: 4.1%); Employment Change (Estimate: 26.0K, Prior: 50.2K)
  • 10 PM to CNY Industrial Production y/y (Estimate: 5.4%, Prior: 5.3%)
  • 10 PM meeting CNY Retail Sales y/y (Estimate: 2.6%, Prior: 3.1%)
  • 2 AM ET GBP GDP m/m (Estimate: 0.1%, Prior: 0.4%); GBP Prelim GDP q/q (Estimate: 0.6%, Prior: 0.7%)
  • 8:30 AM ET USD Retail Sales m/m (Estimate: 0.3%, Prior: 0.0%); USD Core Retail Sales m/m (Estimate: 0.3%, Prior: 0.0%)
  • 8:30 AM ET USD Unemployment Claims (Estimate: 239K, Prior: 233K)
  • 8:30 AM ET USD Empire State Manufacturing Index (Estimate: -5.9, Prior: -6.6)
  • 8:30 AM ET USD Philly Fed Manufacturing Index (Estimate: 6.6, Prior: 13.9)

Friday August 16

  • 7:30 PM ET AUD RBA Gov Bullock Speaks
  • 2 AM to GBP Retail Sales m/m (Estimate: 0.8%, Prior: -1.2%)
  • 30 Amy to USD Building Permits (Estimate: 1.44M, Prior: 1.45M)
  • today meeting USD Prelim UoM Consumer Sentiment (Estimate: 67.3, Prior: 66.4); USD Prelim UoM Inflation Expectations (Estimate: 2.9%, Prior: 2.9%)

As for the earnings calendar, HomeDepot, and Cisco highlight as most of the big names have already reported. Nvidia is still to come but won’t announce until August 28th.



  • Before Open: ON Holding, The Home Depot


  • Before Open: Dole, UBS
  • After Close: Cisco


  • Before Open: Alibaba, Walmart,, John Deere
  • After Close: Applied Materials, H&R Block

This article was written by Greg Michalowski at

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