Large EUR/USD options run off after the jobs report– a look at today’s FX options

The US dollar continues to lose ground ahead of today’s non-farm payrolls report. That’s helped to boost EUR/USD up to 1.0558.

For the 10am NY cut, there are some huge expiries today, both in the 1.0650 range and 1.0450 range.

The euro options expirations aren’t the only notable ones with some big Aussie numbers rolling off, particularly at 0.6400, which will surely be in play with AUD/USD trading at 0.6365.


  • EUR/USD: 1.0450 (3.4B), 1.0500-10 (2.5B), 1.0550-60 (2.7B)
    1.0575-80 (1.2B), 1.0600 (900M), 1.0640-50 (3.4B), 1.0685 (2.8B)

  • USD/CHF: 0.9030 (800M), 0.9160 (600M), 0.9250 (300M)
  • EUR/GBP: 0.8610 (350M), 0.8785 (400M)
  • GBP/USD: 1.2100 (400M), 1.2175 (814M), 1.2200 (850M), 1.2225 (1B)
    1.2250 (485M)
  • AUD/USD: 0.6300 (1.5B), 0.6350 (700M), 0.6380-85 (1.3B)
    0.6390-0.6400 (4.3B)
  • NZD/USD: 0.5880-90 (640M), 0.5940 (200M), 0.5990-95 (600M)
  • USD/CAD: 1.3625 (1.5B), 1.3665 (680M), 1.3750 (340M)
  • USD/JPY: 148.75 (360M)
    149.00 (895M), 149.35-50 (2.5BLN), 150.00 (2.1BLN)

This article was written by Adam Button at

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