Lindner calls to „rethink“ after German trade deficit with China more than doubled in 2022

<p style=““ class=“text-align-justify“>That is something worth noting as Lindner is saying this through his Twitter account, saying that Germany should „learn from experiences with Russia“ and „instead of becoming too dependent, we urgently need to rethink“ the situation as China remains Germany’s main trading partner for a seventh year running.</p><p style=““ class=“text-align-justify“>For some context, Germany had a trade deficit with China of around €84 billion last year. The two countries traded goods worth around €298 billion – up by around 21% from 2021. Of note, Germany imported goods worth €191 billion from China last year – roughly a third more than the year before. Meanwhile, exports of German goods to China was seen around €107 billion – just a 3% increase to the previous year.</p>

This article was written by Justin Low at

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