Major currencies not doing much so far on the session


The dollar is keeping more mixed with light changes being observed overall. There’s not much appetite or follow through, as traders are keeping a watchful eye on the bond market for anything. USD/JPY is one to pay attention to as such but is running up against a key resistance region as outlined here.

Besides that, all the other major currencies are stuck in narrower ranges on the day. The antipodeans are up slightly but it’s not really saying a lot after the fall yesterday. AUD/USD is up 0.3% to 0.6678 but is still keeping below its own 100-day moving average of 0.6695.

Just be wary though that the risk mood is starting to shift a little with US futures now trending lower. S&P 500 futures are down 0.5% with 10-year Treasury yields keeping higher at around 4.21%.

That might eventually lead to some spillover moves in FX later on in the day.

This article was written by Justin Low at

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