Memecoin MOOKY Raises $900,000 Ahead of Its Final Presale Stage


Mooky is gearing up for its final presale phase, having raised $900,000 to
date. More than just a novel crypto token, Mooky aims to support the
environment through a major tree-planting campaign.

will be a community-driven platform whose governance lies in the hands of its
token holders. While the MOOKY token draws its cues from other successful
memecoins, the project has a more ambitious mandate. Mooky was conceived to
increase awareness of global environmental challenges and to provide real-world

project aims to raise enough funds to sustain an extensive reforestation
initiative in key locations around the world. As part of its commitment to
nature, Mooky has earmarked donations to charities working on sustainable
environmental causes.

From a crypto-economic
perspective, the MOOKY token features zero tax and low slippage, providing
ample incentives for traders to get involved. Underpinning the project is a
deep lore that aligns with Mooky’s core goals.

Mooky is
based on the concept of a mythical land called Pygmy. This fantastical realm
has stunning landscapes, abundant vegetation, and wildlife. As settlers came to
the island, they destroyed the vegetation and polluted the air. The monkeys of
Pygmy decide to fight back peacefully, teaching the settlers how to respect
nature and live harmoniously. Under the leadership of Mooky, they become united
and restore nature.

support the project’s development while providing greater opportunities for
community participation, Mooky has created a collection of 1,000 NFTs. Each NFT
is linked to a tree planted in the real world. Holders can access the Ventures Club,
which grants access to exclusive rewards and events.

five days left in the $MOOKY token presale, there is still ample opportunity
for crypto holders to get involved and capture the upside to a project that
combines memes and nature to great effect.


a community-driven initiative launched in 2023 that embraces the spirit of
digital innovation to make a positive impact on the environment. More than just
a meme token, MOOKY represents a global community united by a common goal: to
inspire change and contribute to global tree-planting efforts.

also stands as a symbol of creativity in the digital space, offering unique 3D
NFTs that are each linked to real-world tree-planting initiatives. These NFTs
serve not only as digital collectibles but also as an entry ticket to the
exclusive Mooky Ventures Club, a vibrant community of environmentally conscious

more than a digital token; it’s a movement aiming to better our environment
while fostering a unique and engaging digital ecosystem. Join MOOKY in its
journey to make a difference and follow the community on various social
channels to stay updated.

can purchase MOOKY (

This article was written by FL Contributors at

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