NASDAQ index rises by over 1%. Dow Industrial Average average flat

The major US stock indices are all closing higher on the day, however with different variances.

  • The Dow Industrial Average averages closing near unchanged at 39069.58 up 0.01%.
  • The S&P index is closing up 36.86 points or 0.70% at 5304.71. A close short of its record close reached on Tuesday at 5321.42.
  • The Nasdaq index is closing up 184.76 points or 1.10% at 16928.79.

The small-cap Russell 2000 rebounded 21.25 points today or 1.04% at 2069.6 X.

For the trading week, the major indices are closing with mixed results:

  • Dow Industrial Average average fell -2.33%
  • S&P index eked out a small gain of 0.03%. The gain was good enough for its fifth consecutive positive week
  • NASDAQ and the rose 1.41% for its fifth weekly gain.
  • Russell 2000 fell -1.24% snapping its 4 week up string.

Looking at individual stocks this week:

  • Nvidia shares rose 15.13% after earnings beat expectations and the company announced a 10:1 stock split
  • Meta Platforms, +1.34%
  • Amazon, -2.14%
  • Alphabet, -0.60% after closing at a record level last week
  • Microsoft is closing at a record level and is up 2.37%
  • Apple. rose 0.05%
  • Tesla rose 1.0%
  • Netflix rose 4.13%
  • ServiceNow fell -3.47%
  • Chipotle fell -1.92%
  • Micron rose 3.35%
  • Salesforce -4.66%
  • Crowdstrike, rose 1.60%
  • Dell rose 7.13%
  • Gamestop fell -14.45%
  • Trump Media, fell -10.03%

This article was written by Greg Michalowski at

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