Nasdaq technical analysis: A contrarian long on Nasdaq

<ul><li>The Jackson Hole event devastated the market on Friday, and futures even opened with a gap down.</li><li>The majoirty of market participants are fearful at this stage, which might be a time for a contrarian Long, as Nadsaq futures may be finding support at the VWAP shown.</li><li>Betting on a relief rally, even if it is short term, is legitimate since the reward vs risk makes is a fair play. Watch the stop loss and take profit targets within the following technical analysis video for Nasdaq at the start of the week, starting 29 Aug 2022</li></ul><p>Trade the Nasdaq at your own risk. Visit for <a target=“_blank“ href=““>technical analysis</a> on a variety of financial assets.</p>

This article was written by Itai Levitan at

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