Nvidia spirits continue to uplift equities on the day


The surge higher continues as Nvidia carries the world on its back. Since the turn of the year, no other stock has mattered more in the equities space. The latest news in the last few minutes is that Nvidia CEO is saying that they have begun sampling two new AI chips for the Chinese market. And that seems to be giving stocks another jolt higher.

Nasdaq futures are now up over 2% and looks poised to try and take a run at the 2021 highs.

In Europe, the optimism may not be as cheerful amid the lack of tech focus. But still, regional indices are able to benefit from the improved risk mood in general. The DAX and CAC 40 are at fresh record highs as the run higher since November last year looks to take on a new leg.

This article was written by Justin Low at www.forexlive.com.

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