Oil climbs up by over 2% but still poised for a weekly drop


WTI crude itself is up roughly 2.5% to $85.28 as oil is seeking a rebound towards the end of the week. The low this week nearly touched the $82 level, where we also saw price find a rebound at the start of the month:

The tensions in the Middle East are still somewhat persisting, even if they haven’t quite yet escalated this week. There’s still lingering uncertainty and that is likely helping to keep oil underpinned for now.

And more so ahead of the weekend, where traders might be afraid of the situation worsening in the Israel-Hamas conflict as well as general tensions surrounding the region.

But in the bigger picture, it seems like we are getting stuck into a range for WTI crude between $82 and $90 at least for now. And despite the over 2% climb today, oil is still down a little over 3% on the week following the Monday and Tuesday drop in particular.

This article was written by Justin Low at www.forexlive.com.

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