Corona kostet BASF Milliarden
Der Chemiekonzern BASF muss wegen der Krise mehrere Milliarden Euro abschreiben. Das drückt die Aktie des Dax-Mitglieds.
Schicksalstage für die britische Wirtschaft
Während die Verhandlungen über ein Freihandelsabkommen mit der EU kaum voranzukommen scheinen, gerät die britische Konjunktur immer mehr ins Trudeln. Wie groß sind die Abwärtsrisiken für die Wirtschaft und das Pfund?
Airbus-Auslieferungen ziehen an
Wird Hollands Telekom-Konzern von „Heuschrecke“ geschluckt?
Gericht stoppt Suez-Übernahme
Location-Aware IoT Essential to Reclaiming Our Workplaces
As we approach the end of 2020, the working landscape is varied. Some organizations are already back in their offices, while some opted not to transition to remote work when the pandemic started, and many find themselves somewhere in the middle, adopting a hybridized approach.
Active Managers Can Beat The Benchmarks If They Know How To Profit From Performance Dispersion
The current economic scenario is producing a quite extreme “performance dispersion“ across stocks.
Quantifying the Cost of Maker-Taker Markets
Quantifying the cost of maker-taker markets: Trading economics are much more efficient than many pundits claim. It also proves that costs can be quantified, if you’re willing to do the math.
Loving Low Volatility Doesn’t Have to Mean Embracing Boredom
Low volatility is a revered investment factor, but like anything else in investing, it’s not a free lunch.