Anleger müssen sich darauf verlassen können, dass Aufsichtsbehörden und Wirtschaftsprüfer zuverlässig und korrekt arbeiten, meint Niels Nauhauser von der Verbraucherzentrale Baden-Württemberg mit Blick auf den Wirecard-Skandal. Anlegern rät er generell vom Investment in Einzelaktien ab.
Bayer hat jetzt noch ein Verhütungs(mittel)problem
Gerade erst musste Bayer beim milliardenschweren Glyphosat-Vergleich zurückrudern. Nun hat der Chemie- und Pharma-Konzern neuen juristischen Ärger: In den USA gibt es Tausende Klagen wegen des Verhütungsmittels Essure.
Der Wirtschaft in Echtzeit auf der Spur
Echtzeitdaten zum Stromverbrauch, Lkw-Verkehr und Google-Suchabfragen zeichnen ein aktuelles Bild, wie es um die deutsche Wirtschaft jetzt bestellt ist. Sie geben durchaus Anlass zur Hoffnung.
Advisor Virtual Resilience Series – Virtual Advisor Summit
The COVID-19 pandemic has catapulted all financial services professionals, their vendor partners, and their clients into a new virtual operating environment; one that many were not prepared for or adept in.
Nasdaq Dorsey Wright Weekly Analyst Discussion – Review of Major Asset Classes
We discuss a quarterly review of major asset classes and their performance, recent breakouts/movements for the S&P 500 Index, and notable model adjustments heading into the second half of the year
A textbook Wall Street activism play is unfolding with underperforming software company Virtusa
A battle heats up between a deep-research investor with a private equity mindset and an underperforming small cap software stock.
He lived in his car for months after unemployment benefits stalled. Then came a cancer diagnosis
A New York man’s struggle to collect unemployment benefits and resulting hardship are emblematic of financial shortcomings amid the coronavirus pandemic in the US.
Here’s what happened to the stock market on Friday
Stocks got a jolt Friday as news about a potential coronavirus treatment increased hope for an economic recovery following the outbreak.
Big Tech went from growth stocks to Wall Street’s Treasury bond substitute during the coronavirus
Wall Street flocked into these names because they believe their business models can not only weather this downturn, but thrive in it.
Stocks making the biggest moves midday: Gilead, Wells Fargo, Carnival & more
These are the stocks posting the largest moves in midday trading.