„Peak interest rates may be lower than expected as growth slowdown looms“

Some background reading for the weekend in this report.
Rates may we have peaked for now.
The idea is not fresh, as economic data has come off the boil in the past few weeks yields have fallen, down sharply from the cycle highs reached in the month of May (info via Greg):

2 year 2.484%, +0.2 basis points. The cycle high yield reached 2.857%. The yield has moved down -37 basis points.

5 year 2.724%, +1.2 basis points. The cycle high yield reached 3.107%. The yield has moved down -38 basis points

10 year 2.743%, -0.8 basis points. The cycle high yield reached 3.203%. The yield has moved down -46 basis points..

30 year 2.972%, -1.2 basis points. The cycle high yield reached 3.309%. The yield has moved down -34 basis points

but the report has some comments from various analysts, come noting likely policy divergence between the Fed and the BoE.

Bank of England’s Bailey testifying

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