PepsiCo expect higher borrowing costs to impact consumer spending

  • PepsiCo says inflation and higher borrowing costs over the last few years continue to impact consumer spending – Prepared Remarks.
  • PepsiCo – Expect 2024 inflationary pressures to moderate vs prior year, but some commodity costs to remain elevated.
  • PepsiCo: „Believe our snack categories remain attractive.“
  • PepsiCo – Continue to see long runway of profitable growth for international business.
  • PepsiCo: Sees improved Quaker Foods North America net revenue in Q4 as recall-affected production resumes.
  • PepsiCo: Expects consumers to remain value conscious amid inflation.
  • PepsiCo – Pockets of elevated geopolitical tension & macroeconomic pressure expected to persist in some international market in 2024.

Given the Fed and market’s focus on the labour market, there will be increased focus on the consumer for the Q3 earnings season.

This article was written by Arno V Venter at

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