Recap of the Bank of England to lend against a wider range of assets

<p>Bloomberg have a recap up, related to:</p><p class=“article-slot__title title top“><a target=“_blank“ href=““ rel=“follow“ target=“_self“>Bank of England says launching temporary expanded collateral repo facility</a></p><p class=“article-slot__title title top“><a target=“_blank“ href=““ rel=“follow“ target=“_self“>More on the BoE operation to calm gilt, GBP market – ready to increase daily purchases</a></p><p>Link is here (may be gated). In brief:</p><ul><li>The BOE said Monday it will launch a Temporary Expanded Collateral Repo Facility, or TECRF, that will run until Nov. 10 to help banks ease pressure on the so-called liability-driven investment strategies that many pensions use. </li><li>Banks could therefore accept more types of assets as collateral from the LDI funds and turn to the BOE to convert those assets into cash.</li></ul><p>Cable update:</p>

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at

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