S&P 500 closes at a one-month low

The mood was poor to start the day but significantly darkened on credible talk of an imminent direct Iran attack on the US. The question is: Was the Hezbollah rocket attack it? Not many traders wanted to buy the dip late on anticipation that Iran will refrain from striking back too forcefully.

Geopolitics are tough to predict but here’s to a peaceful weekend.

Closing changes on the day:

  • S&P 500 -1.5%
  • Nasdaq Comp -1.6%
  • DJIA -1.3%
  • Russell 2000 -2.2%
  • Toronto TSX Comp -1.1%

On the week:

  • S&P 500 -1.6%
  • Nasdaq Comp -0.5%
  • DJIA -2.4%
  • Russell 2000 -2.2%
  • Toronto TSX Comp -1.6%

This article was written by Adam Button at www.forexlive.com.

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