S&P 500 Technical Analysis

Last week, the S&P 500 closed around the highs
as the market continued to trade on the soft-landing narrative. In fact,
despite the slightly higher than expected US CPI figures,
the US Jobless Claims improved
further and the US PPI data
missed forecasts. Moreover, the Fedspeak has been generally neutral with no
strong pushback against the market’s rate cuts expectations. Today, the market
will be closed for MLK Day, but we will have some important events throughout
the week.

S&P 500 Technical
Analysis – Daily Timeframe

On the daily chart, we can see that the S&P 500
ended the last week around the highs with the market continuing to see a
goldilocks economy with falling inflation and stable employment and growth. We
can expect the sellers to step in around the all-time high with a defined risk
above it to position for a drop into the 4700 support first
and upon a further break, target the 4547 level.

S&P 500 Technical
Analysis – 4 hour Timeframe

On the 4 hour chart, we can see that the
price is diverging with
the MACD right
at the all-time high. This is generally a sign of weakening momentum often
followed by pullbacks or reversals. This might be another bearish confluence for
the sellers and should give them a bit more conviction for a correction into
the 4700 level. The buyers, on the other hand, will likely increase the bullish
bets on a break of the all-time high.

S&P 500 Technical
Analysis – 1 hour Timeframe

On the 1 hour chart, we can see more
closely the current price action and we can see that we have a minor trendline
defining the current bullish momentum. The buyers will likely keep on leaning
on the trendline to position for further upside. The sellers, on the other
hand, will want to see the price
breaking lower to pile in and target the 4700 support.

Upcoming Events

Tomorrow, all eyes will be on Fed’s Waller as the
market will be eager to see if he decides to pushback against the aggressive
rate cuts expectations. On Wednesday, we will get the US Retail Sales report
while on Thursday we will see the latest US Jobless Claims figures. Finally, on
Friday, we conclude the week with the University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment

This article was written by FL Contributors at www.forexlive.com.

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