Spain December preliminary CPI +5.8% vs +6.8% y/y prior

<ul><li>CPI +0.3% m/m</li><li>Prior -0.1%</li><li>HICP +5.6% vs +6.0% y/y expected</li><li>Prior +6.7%</li><li>HICP +0.1% m/m</li><li>Prior -0.3%</li></ul><p style=““ class=“text-align-justify“>That’s now five months running that annual inflation in Spain has been on the decline, since peaking at 10.8% in July. The drop is surely still largely to do with falling energy prices, with <a target=“_blank“ href=““ target=“_blank“ rel=“follow“>milder weather conditions</a> so far this winter being a key reason for that in Europe. If there is something to take away from this report, it is that other countries in the euro area are likely to see a similar trend.</p>

This article was written by Justin Low at

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