Still no word on China’s unusual trade data omission today

<p style=““ class=“text-align-justify“>It is a bit of an odd one as the data is due for today alongside that of Q3. Typically, officials will also hold a briefing to speak about the numbers but there isn’t anything about that either. At the end of the day, it is China and there’s only so much one can speculate.</p><p style=““ class=“text-align-justify“>In any case, the data was estimated to show a further decline in the country’s export growth (+4.1% y/y estimate, +7.1% prior) with imports (+1.0% y/y estimate, +0.3% prior) set to remain rather tepid.</p><p style=““ class=“text-align-justify“>The timing might also be an interesting one as this release would be two days before the National Congress – which is to take place on Sunday. For some context, this is the most important meeting of the Chinese Communist Party’s five-year political cycle. The event will be one where Xi is on course for a historic third term as the country’s leader.</p>

This article was written by Justin Low at

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