Stocks are lower for the week, but earnings will refocus trader’s attention next week.

It has been a negative week for the major US stock indices, as rates moving higher, geopolitical tension, and dysfunction in Washington. That dynamic does not seem to be going away anytime soon.

However next week we get a slew of corporate earnings with something for everyone. A total of 4 of the „Magnificent 7“ are scheduled to be released including Microsoft, Alphabet, Meta, and Amazon.

Tesla – another of the 7 – already released this week (it was a disappointment). Nvidia and Apple will announce in the future.

In addition to the big 4, there are a number of other large cap companies scheduled for release.

Below are the major companies on the earnings calendar (* are companies who will announce before the open):


  • Phillips*
  • Logitech


  • Coca-Cola*
  • Verizon*
  • GE*
  • 3M*
  • GM*
  • Microsoft
  • Alphabet
  • Visa
  • Texas Instruments


  • Boeing*
  • T-Mobile*
  • Hilton*
  • General Dynamics*
  • Meta
  • IBM
  • servicenow


  • Altria*
  • Southwest*
  • Northrup Grumman*
  • Merck*
  • Amazon
  • Intel
  • Ford
  • Chipotle


  • Exxon Mobil*
  • Chevron*
  • Phillips 66*
  • Colgate-Palmolive*

This article was written by Greg Michalowski at

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