Stocks in a better mood so far today


With little on the agenda, markets are seeing a more optimistic tone so far today and that is also weighing on the dollar. It might be a bit of a late acceptance to China’s strong Q1 GDP data earlier but stocks won’t be complaining. Here’s a snapshot of things at the moment:

  • S&P 500 futures +0.4%
  • Nasdaq futures +0.6%
  • Dow futures +0.3%
  • Eurostoxx +0.6%
  • Germany DAX +0.5%
  • France CAC 40 +0.5%
  • UK FTSE 0.2%

In Europe, the optimism continues to flow and the DAX is in the hunt for its fourth weekly gain in five weeks, trading up to its highest levels so far this year. Eyes will be on the November 2021 high at 16,290 next.

This article was written by Justin Low at

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