Stocks routed, closing on the lows in a brutal day

<ul><li>S&P 500 down 143 points or 3.4% to 4057</li><li>Nasdaq down 3.9%</li><li>DJIA down 3.0%</li><li>Russell 2000 -3.4%</li></ul><p>Powell won’t be getting too many backslaps from anyone at Jackson Hole tonight.</p><p>The old saying is that market’s don’t bottom on Friday’s either and that data bears it out. <a target=“_blank“ href=““ target=“_blank“ rel=“nofollow“>Bespoke </a>shows that a 3% decline on a Friday averages a 1.5% decline on Monday.</p><p>And with a chart like this, ther’s plenty of downside below. It’s a bit of a head-and-shoulders top targeting 3900.</p>

This article was written by Adam Button at

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