Subdued appetite so far in European morning trade


Once again, it’s shaping up to be another session with not much to really say anything about. It’s all part of the waiting game it seems, as we count down to the US CPI data next week. Major currencies are little changed for the most part, with only the Japanese yen slightly weaker on the day. USD/JPY did run up to retest the highs for the year but is keeping just below that now:

Besides that, other dollar pairs are seeing minimal change and trading rather flattish overall. That’s a clear signal of more subdued appetite thus far on the session.

In other markets, US futures are also not doing a whole lot for now. All eyes will be on Wall Street to see if tech shares can carry their weight once again, with the S&P 500 nearing the 5,000 mark. In the bond market, Treasury yields are also little changed at the moment with 10-year yields sitting flattish at 4.104% on the day.

This article was written by Justin Low at

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