ECB’s de Guindos: European banks unlikely to fully recover before 2022 0 (0)

ECB vice president, Luis de Guindos, remarks
– European banks not likely to recover from the virus crisis before 2022
– The recovery of the Eurozone economy will be a vital factor in banks‘ solvency
He’s not really touching on anything important in his lecture today, but the ECB in general doesn’t have much to offer as they

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It is no longer a ‚bear market rally‘ – BofA August fund manager survey 0 (0)

The latest BofA fund manager survey results are out
I think the sentiment that this was a bear market rally has died quite a while back. The fact that the Nasdaq is making record highs and the S&P 500 itself is close to its own all-time highs is continuing to put that argument to rest –

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Wilbur Ross: China has been buying large amounts of agricultural products 0 (0)

Comments by US commerce secretary, Wilbur Ross
– US and China talks are continuing at various levels
– Looking to close loopholes to prevent Huawei from getting access to US technology
This just further cements the likely narrative that anything that may be discussed at the trade review will keep this facade up despite China not living up

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Reminder: Brexit negotiations start up again this week 0 (0)

But don’t expect much before Friday
The usual round of negotiations will start off with tomorrow’s dinner, before getting into more serious talks on Wednesday and Thursday. Both sides will wrap things up on Friday before we are likely to hear from Barnier and Frost once again via their respective pressers.

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