While equities look to recover from yesterday’s risk-off inspired selloff, investors will continue to digest the potential impact of the Delta COVID-19 variant following a warning that the spread poses a threat to the global recovery.
Schlagwort-Archiv: Nasdaq
A Fund That Offers Low Volatility and Quality
Investors should recognize at least two things about funds that purport to be defensive or low volatility.
B2B Brands Need a New Sales Enablement Strategy
COVID-19 has changed digital adoption rates: ecommerce businesses saw a decade’s worth of market penetration happen in just three months at the start of the pandemic, and today every business leader knows they need to meet their customers online in order to compete.
Housing & Inflation: Friends or Enemies?
In much of the press, fears of inflation seem to make the headlines. Will the massive government stimulus in response to the COVID-19 pandemic lead to wheelbarrows full of money being required to buy a loaf of bread?
Daily Markets: Can Stocks Push Higher Today?
Investors and traders alike will be waiting to dissect the minutes from the Fed’s latest monetary policy meeting
How ‚Play-To-Earn‘ Is Changing The Business Of Gaming
When we hear about globalization, we think of public policy, trade agreements, immigration, and big business. But oftentimes, the connectivity of the world isn’t happening in board rooms – but in virtual environments accessed from across the world
Decoding Crypto: What It Is, How It Works, and How to Get Started
Cryptocurrency is often described as “digital money.” This description may be true, but it fails to capture what makes cryptocurrency unique and so appealing to many investors.
Coinbase CEO: China’s Digital Yuan Is a Threat to U.S. Reserve Currency Status
In a recent meeting with the Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell, the Chief Executive Officer of the cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase, Brian Armstrong, expressed concerns that China’s plan to roll out a digital yuan could pose as a big threat to U.S. dollar status.
Why and How Finance Teams Must Prepare for the Next Normal: Learn from the CFOs
From shifts toward online sales to preparing eventual office returns, CFOs are seeing drastic transitions in revenue models, having to rapidly plan within the parameters of a constantly changing business landscape.
Trends and Implications of the TransAtlantic Convergence of ESG
In a sharp departure from the previous administration, President Biden has thrown America’s full weight behind global efforts to address Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) issues.