The EURUSD had moved lower to the next target support, setting the levels for next week.

As we head into the close, the EURUSD is trading near lows for the week.

The strong US jobs data today helped to push the pair below a swing area between 1.1001 and 1.1014, and also the 50% midpoint of the move up from the August 1 low at 1.0995. That area will now be close resistance going into the new trading week.

On the downside, the 61.8% retracement of the same move higher comes in at 1.0944. That is within a swing area going back to July 17 between 1.09419 and 1.0949. That will be a key bias-defining level for next week’s traders on the downside. Move below it, and then its 100-day moving average at 1.0928, and traders would then look toward the 200-day moving average of 1.08738 (and moving higher).

This article was written by Greg Michalowski at

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