The forex week ahead. A look a the risk and bias defining levels for week starting Nov 28

<p>The forex week ahead. A look a the risk and bias defining levels for the week starting November.</p><p>The week ahead has as catalysts the US jobs report on Friday where the NFP is expected to add a less than trend 200K jobs. </p><p>Before that the Fed Chair Powell will be speaking at the Brookings Institute on Wednesday. </p><p>Those are two key events that are a prelude to the Fed decision later in the month.

In addition, to the key event and release preview, Greg Michalowski of Forexlive, also looks at the technicals that are driving the bias and risk levels for the major US currency pairs vs the US dollar.</p><ul><li>EURUSD (4:10)</li><li>USDJPY (9:14)</li><li>GBPUSD (13:37)</li><li>USDCHF (18:17)</li><li>USDCAD (20:00)</li><li>AUDUSD (21:40)</li><li>NZDUSD (24:20)</li></ul>

This article was written by Greg Michalowski at

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