The key events on the economic calendar in trading this week


It’s a new week, new month, and new quarter to kick things off today. But the Easter holiday is overshadowing markets and keeping things rather quiet, for now at least. North American traders will be greeted with a more muted mood as such but we are seeing gold stay hot and US futures keeping a little higher for now.

As we have come to know in recent times, economic data is what makes markets go round. So, here’s a look at what we can expect from the calendar in the days ahead.

1 April – US March ISM manufacturing PMI**2 April – RBA March monetary policy meeting minutes2 April – Germany March preliminary CPI2 April – US February JOLTS job openings3 April – Eurozone March preliminary CPI**3 April – US March ADP employment change**3 April – US March ISM services PMI**4 April – Switzerland March CPI4 April – US weekly initial jobless claims5 April – Canada March labour market report**5 April – US March non-farm payrolls, labour market report***

This article was written by Justin Low at

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