The @NatGasWeather/@andrepaltry NatGasWeather Daily Report

<p>The guys at have once again allowed me to share with you their daily report </p><p><a target=“_blank“ href=““ target=“_blank“ rel=“nofollow“>Full Report Here</a></p><p>7-Day Weather Summary (Oct 7-13): An early season cool shot will sweep across the Great Lakes, Ohio Valley, and Northeast Fri-Sun w/showers and chilly lows of upper 20s to 40s. The rest of the US will be comfortable w/highs of 60s to 80s besides hotter 90s California and Southwest deserts. </p><p>Much of the US will again be comfortable next week as highs of 60s to 80s rules besides cooler 50s N. Rockies & N. Plains.</p><p>Overall, moderate national demand Fri-Sun, then light.</p>

This article was written by Ryan Paisey at

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