Two to watch – Fed Chair Powell speech and NFP are bookend focal points this coming week

There will be previews of the week ahead soon to come but the big two events next week are:

  • Federal Reserve Chair Powell discussing the US economic outlook at a National Association for Business Economics conference on Monday. This is at 1300 US Eastern time on Monday, September 30 (1700 GMT).
  • On Friday, October 4, at 0830 US Eastern time (1230 GMT) we’ll get the US payroll report for September. Expectations are for a slight improvement from August for the headline and a steady jobless rate. If so the prospect of a ’soft‘, even ’no‘ landing for the US economy will increase.

Other previews of the week will be along, with Chinese data and other indicators of the US employment market. But the biggges are Powell and NFP. Strap in!

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at

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