UK businesses expect output price inflation to decline over the next year – BOE survey

  • Firms reported that their output prices rose by an average annual rate of 5.4% in the three months to February (down from 5.6% previously)
  • Year-ahead own-price inflation was expected to be 4.3% in the three months to February (unchanged)
  • Output price inflation is expected to decline by 1.1% over the next 12 months
  • One-year ahead CPI inflation expectations declined to 3.3% (down from 3.4% previously)
  • Three-year ahead CPI inflation expectations fell to 2.8% (down from 2.9% previously)
  • Expected year-ahead wage growth seen at 5.2% on a three-month-moving-average basis (unchanged)
  • Annual wage growth fell to 6.7% in the three months to February (down from 6.8% previously)

Looking at it as a whole, it just reflects some light moderation in price pressures. The good news at least is that prices aren’t really intensifying on the business end. However, how that translates to consumer prices at the end of the day is another debate really. It’s much easier said than done as companies have to watch out for their bottom line. Greed much.

This article was written by Justin Low at

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