US equity close: Big finish to a great month

I love it when the month ends on a Friday, it’s so tidy. And there was plenty of love to go around in markets in November following the US election.

Closing changes:

  • S&P 500: +0.6%
  • Nasdaq Comp: +0.8%
  • DJIA: +0.4%
  • Russell 2000: +0.65%
  • Toronto TSX Comp: +0.3% (note that the TSX doesn’t close until 4 pm ET)

On the week:

  • S&P 500: +1.1%
  • Nasdaq Comp: +1.1%
  • DJIA: +1.4%
  • Russell 2000: +1.5% (finally breaks the 2021 weekly closing high but not the intraday high)
  • Toronto TSX Comp: +0.7%

On the month:

  • S&P 500: +5.8%
  • Nasdaq Comp: +6.2%
  • Russell 2000: +11.2%
  • Toronto TSX Comp: +6.1%

The big winner for November? Bitcoin, which rose 38%.

As for the Russell 2000, virtually all the gains were made on election day and the day after. Eyes will be on it next week.

This article was written by Adam Button at

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