US futures nudge lower as the post-CPI push and pull continues


US futures are now down near the lows for the day, with S&P 500 futures falling by 0.4% ahead of US trading. This comes as Treasury yields are keeping steadier, with 10-year yields up 1.7 bps to 3.989% on the day. The drop comes as the big banks are releasing earnings, adding to the post-CPI push and pull play out across markets.

All of this is keeping the dollar a touch firmer as well now with EUR/USD down 0.2% to 1.0948 and GBP/USD down 0.2% as well to 1.2730 on the day. USD/JPY did push lower to 144.90 earlier in the session but is now back to flat levels around 145.23 currently.

The dollar’s advance is not a uniform one though, as gold is up to session highs at around $2,045 – up 0.8% on the day – and looking to push past key near-term resistance as highlighted here. Meanwhile, tensions in the Middle East continue to fuel the rally in oil with WTI crude up over 4% to near $75 at the moment.

This article was written by Justin Low at

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