US futures stay buoyed ahead of North America trading


The gains picked up during the handover from Asia to Europe, following comments from China’s Politburo here. That amplified Beijing’s commitment from all of the measures announced this week and also drove Chinese equities to surging gains on the day. S&P 500 futures were already up 0.3% at the time but extended that to 0.8% and have been consolidating a fair bit since.

Tech shares are staying buoyed overall with Nasdaq futures marked up by 1.4%. Adam highlighted Nvidia as being a standout here yesterday.

But so far, the main takeaway since last week is that investors are feeling confident about a soft landing in most major economies. And put together with a vote of confidence/faith in China this week, it is making for a more positive mood towards the end of September.

This article was written by Justin Low at

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