US has info that China is considering arms supplies to Russia

<p>US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the US has information that China is considering sending weapons to Russia for the war in Ukraine.</p><p>The concern that we have now is based on information we have that they’re considering providing lethal support,” Blinken told CBS’s Face the Nation. “And we’ve made very clear to them that that could cause a serious problem for us and in our relationship.”</p><p>Blinken said the lethal aid could range from ammunition to the weapons themselves.</p><p>Blinken will meet with his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi this weekend in a meeting that was delayed by the balloon fiasco.</p><p>Another report said Chinese officials would visit Moscow next week and put forward a new proposal to resolve the war that would respect the „sovereignty of all countries“.</p><p>/<a target=“_blank“ href=““ class=“terms__main-term“ id=“fddda8f4-d5f8-4ee4-8e34-3760ed062f3c“ target=“_blank“>US dollar</a></p>

This article was written by Adam Button at

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