US major indices close the day higher helped by strong jobs

US stocks moved higher despite yields moving higher as US jobs showed strength and the striking dockworkers reached a tentative agreement averting a prolonged closure of key port’s

A snapshot of the closing levels shows:

  • Dow industrial average rose 341.16 points or 0.81% at 42352.75
  • S&P index rose 51.13 points or 0.90% at 5751.07
  • NASDAQ index rose 219.37 points or 1.22% at 18137.85

The small-cap Russell 2000 rose 32.65 points or 1.50% at 2212.79.

For the trading week:

  • Dow industrial average was able to reverse declines and close higher by 39.75 points or 0.09%
  • S&P index also moved into positive territory with a gain of 12.90 points or 0.22%
  • NASDAQ index rose by 18.26 points or 0.10%
  • Russell 2000 could not reverse earlier declines and is closing down -11.90 points or -0.53% for the week

This article was written by Greg Michalowski at

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