US mortgage applications prints at -0.6% versus expected of -0.7%

US mortgage applications data:

  • MBA mortgage applications: -0.6% (prior -0.7%)
  • Mortgage market index: 195.6 (prior 196.8)
  • MBA purchase index: 145.6 (prior 145.7)
  • MBA refinancing index: 4536.5 (prior 460.9)
  • MBA 30-year mortgage rate: 6.91% (prior 6.93%)

Notes on mortgage application data:

Indexes are adjusted for seasonal variations. The changes in percentages for these indexes and the
difference in the mortgage rate are compared with the previous week. The
Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) survey, which has been done every week since
1990, includes more than 75% of all home loan applications in the U.S. People
who take part in this survey include mortgage bankers, commercial banks, and
savings institutions

This article was written by Arno V Venter at

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