US November NFIB small business optimism index 101.7 vs 94.2 expected


The NFIB Small Business Optimism Index rose by eight points in November
to 101.7, after 34 months of remaining below the 50-year average of 98.
This is the highest reading since June 2021. Of the 10 Optimism Index
components, nine increased, none decreased, and one was unchanged.
Following last month’s record high of 110, the Uncertainty Index
declined 12 points in November to 98.

NFIB Chief Economist Bill Dunkelberg: “The election results signal a major shift in economic policy,
leading to a surge in optimism among small business owners. Main Street
also became more certain about future business conditions following the
election, breaking a nearly three-year streak of record high
uncertainty. Owners are particularly hopeful for tax and regulation
policies that favor strong economic growth as well as relief from
inflationary pressures. In addition, small business owners are eager to
expand their operations.”

This is a huge jump and just another sign that the US economy is picking up steam. The inflation risk and Fed’s policy will be the main focus in 2025.

This article was written by Giuseppe Dellamotta at

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