US reportedly finalises steep tariffs on China, with many to begin on 27 September


This will include steep tariff hikes on Chinese EVs, solar cells, semiconductors, and steel among other strategic goods. More specifically, it will be a 100% duty on Chinese EVs, 50% on solar cells, and 25% on steel, aluminum and key minerals. All of which will be going into effect on 27 September.

As for a 50% duty on Chinese semiconductors, that will be due to start in 2025.

Besides that, there will also be increases in tariffs on Chinese medical face masks and surgical gloves to 50% next year and then to 100% in 2026. That compares with the initial plan for an immediate 25% tariff. But the ones mentioned above are the heavy hitters.

Well, it looks like this is Biden’s parting gift before he steps down. And the ball is now over to China’s court is seeing how they will respond before potentially dealing with more of this if Trump does get elected come November.

This article was written by Justin Low at

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