US reportedly looks to curb China’s access to AI software


The report says that the Biden administration is eyeing a move to safeguard US AI from China, with initial plans to protect the most advanced AI models first and foremost. That will include core software of AI systems such as ChatGPT, according to the sources.

It is said that there will also be a regulatory push in order to restrict the export of proprietary or closed source AI models.

This is largely believed to be an effort to try and slow down China’s development of cutting edge technology for military purposes.

Well, I reckon the advancements in the AI space will be much faster than what regulators can keep up with. And that’s the real challenge. But we’ll see. The idea here is from the Commerce Department, which wants to oversee control of the technology so to speak.

If there are restrictions in place such as these, any developer will then have to report its AI model, plans, and test results to the Commerce Department. That’s not going to fly with new age developers, who might prefer to develop their systems elsewhere.

This article was written by Justin Low at

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