US September Challenger layoffs 72.821K vs 75.891K prior

  • Challenger layoffs 72.821K vs 75.891K prior.

U.S.-based employers announced 72,821 cuts in September, a 4% decrease from the 75,891 cuts announced one month prior. It is up 53% from the 47,457 cuts announced in the same month in 2023,
according to a report released Thursday from global outplacement and
business and executive coaching firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas,

In the third quarter, companies announced plans to cut
174,597 jobs, down 16% from the 177,391 cuts announced in the second
quarter of this year. It is up 19% from the 146,305 cuts announced in
the same quarter of 2023.

For the year, companies have announced 609,242 job cuts,
up 0.8% from 604,514 announced during the same period last year. Though
less than a percentage point separates them, this is the first time this
year that year-to-date cuts are higher than those tracked during the
same period in 2023.

“We’re at an inflection point now, where the labor
market could stall or tighten. It will take a few months for the drop in
interest rates to impact employer costs, as well as consumer savings
accounts. Consumer spending is projected to increase, which may lead to
more demand for workers in consumer-facing sectors.

“Layoff announcements have risen over last year, and
job openings are flat. Seasonal employers seem optimistic about the
holiday shopping season. That said, many of those who found themselves
laid off this year from high-wage, high-skill roles, will not likely
fill seasonal positions,” said Andrew Challenger, Senior Vice President
of Challenger, Gray & Christmas, Inc.

This article was written by Giuseppe Dellamotta at

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