US stock indices close the day near session highs

<p>The major US stock <a target=“_blank“ href=““ class=“terms__secondary-term“ id=“eb50e0fb-8258-4e43-80e6-8831246f8b37″>indices</a> are closing the day near the highs for the day. The gains were led by the NASDAQ index which rose over 1.7%. </p><p>A snapshot of the closing levels shows:</p><ul><li>Dow Industrial Average 415.12.41.26 percent at 33274.14</li><li>S&amp;P index of 58.50 points or 1.44% at 4109.32 </li><li>NASDAQ index up 208.43 points or 1.73% at 12221.90</li></ul><p>For the calendar month, the <a target=“_blank“ href=““ class=“terms__main-term“ id=“73ea5227-7971-4d75-a878-f20ede81c27e“>NASDAQ</a> index led the way with a gain of 6.69%</p><ul><li>Dow industrial average rose 1.89%</li><li>S&amp;P index rose 3.51%</li><li>NASDAQ index rose 6.69%</li></ul><p>For the first quarter, the NASDAQ index led the way with an oversized gain of 16.77%. That was the largest percentage increase since the 2Q of 2020 when the index rose 30.63%. You have to go back to the 1Q of 2012 to have the next largest percentage gain for quarter.</p><ul><li>Dow Industrial Average squeaked out a small gain of 0.38%</li><li>S&amp;P index rose by 7.03%</li><li>NASDAQ index rose by 16.77%</li></ul><p>Looking at the NASDAQ daily chart, the price is within 49 points of the most recent highs going back to September 12, 2022 and February 2, 2023 near 12670.</p><p> A move above that double top would have traders targeting the 38.2% retracement of the move down from the November 22 2021 all-time high. That retracement level comes in at 12427.97.</p>

This article was written by Greg Michalowski at

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