US stocks close near the highs for the day

<p>The major US indices are closing the day higher and near highs for the day. </p><p>At session lows the </p><ul><li>Dow Industrial Average was down -213 points</li><li>S&P index was down -25.37 points</li><li>NASDAQ index was down -114.30 points</li></ul><p>The final numbers for the day are showing:</p><ul><li>Dow industrial average rose 176.42 points or 0.53% at 33203.92</li><li>S&P index rose 22.43 points or 0.59% at 3844.81</li><li>NASDAQ index rose 21.75 points or 0.21% at 10497.87</li><li>Russell 2000 rose 6.845 points or 0.39% at 1760.93</li></ul><p>For the trading week:</p><ul><li>Dow Industrial Average rose 0.86%</li><li>S&P index fell -0.20%</li><li>NASDAQ index fell -2.45%</li><li>Russell 2000 fell -0.14%</li></ul><p>With one week left of trading, the numbers for 2022 are showing:</p><ul><li>Dow Industrial Average down -8.63%</li><li>S&P index down -19.33%</li><li>NASDAQ index down -32.90%</li><li>Russell 2000 down -21.57%</li></ul>

This article was written by Greg Michalowski at

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